Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kitchen Scandals by Brooke Cumberland Review


From GoodReads:

"**Mature Audiences Only**

She finally found the one…
but he has a hidden secret. Could this be the breaking point for Molly?
Has she endured too much?
Drake and Molly had instant chemistry in Kitchen Affairs, but when secrets go all wrong, their relationship will be tested, feelings get hurt, and limits will be reached.
Someone interferes with their relationship, keeping them distant and longing for answers in all the wrong places. Some people are not who they seem... leaving a betrayal of lies crashing down on them.
Can they recover their once intense, sensual chemistry? Will love be enough?
Secrets, betrayals, and scandals…
Chicago’s hottest couple, Molly & Drake, go through big changes, hidden secrets, and tragedies."

My Thoughts:

Kitchen Scandals stars off with a prologue from Drake that basically summarizes, in his view, what he thought from the second he laid eyes on Molly, up until they finally started getting together. This is definitely something I wish was in the first book, but I love that we finally get to see what Drake was thinking from the start. 

Fast forward.. Chapter 1 begins with Molly and Drake having been together for 12 months. It continues their story from there. In this book we get views from both Molly and Drake as the story goes, it sometimes even backpedals a bit so it overlaps their thoughts on what is going on at the present moment. I actually love when stories go back and forth in POV, it makes both characters feel more real.

My main complaint with Kitchen Affairs was not having enough backstory on the characters from the start. Seeing that a lot of the backstory was eventually brought to light in book 1, Kitchen Scandals is a lot easier to read. The connection with the characters is already there, which helped a whole bunch. 

There is a lot, and I mean a LOT, that goes on in this book. Hidden secrets, twists and turns, new surprising issues thrown in their way, and so many "OH NO REALLY?!" moments. It was slightly overwhelming with how much was thrown at Molly and Drake, definitely a lot to take in, but absolutely keeps you on edge and reading for the whole book!

THANKFULLY most of these issues came to a conclusion in this book, but it definitely leaves you wondering a decent amount of book 3! 

Kitchen Promises, book 3 in the Riverside Trilogy, will be released in December 2013.



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