Monday, June 10, 2013

Being Me by Lisa Renee Jones being released Tomorrow!

Who is excited?! This chick, me, right here (waves).

I have been addicted to this series (Inside Out Trilogy) since I first read "If I were you" back in September of 2012. I have been absolutely dying for the second in the series to come out! And in one hour, it will be loading onto my Kindle. 

If you haven't yet read "If I Were You", I highly suggest you do. It leaves off with SO many unanswered questions, and a super mega cliff hanger, that has been eating at me for months. 

There is still a third book in this series coming out. I had a quick twitter conversation with Lisa Renee Jones about the unanswered questions from book one. 

Here's what she had to say:

"you will find out so much in "
"You will be shocked how much. I have a whole new something planned 4 #3 so I don't drag it out"

For the record, I love that she responds and talks to her fans.

I also promise that I will never, EVER, post any sort of spoiler to this blog. I will keep the reviews vague enough that no major points are revealed! 

Here is the reading order for this series:

Book 1

Book 2

Book 3 (due out September 10, 2013)

There are also add on's to this series, which I will be reading AFTER "Revealing Us". These titles are "Rebecca's Lost Journals" (currently available), and "The Master Undone" (not yet released).

Welp, this entry killed 20 minutes for me, so now there are only 40 minutes left until Midnight! 

Who else is reading Being Me?!



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